Hackrf One Drivers
Posted By admin On 22.12.20Connection of the HackRF One SDR to an Orange Pi Pc2 or Orange PI One Plus running on ARMBIAN or a Radpberry PI.
HackRF Library
In console mode, update your system:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
The HackRF is an exceptionally capable software defined radio (SDR) transceiver, but naturally you need to connect it to a computer to actually do anything with it. Using a HackRF to Spoof GPS Navigation in Cars and Divert Drivers Researchers at Virginia Tech, the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and Microsoft recently released a paper discussing how they were able to perform a GPS spoofing attack that was able to divert drivers to a wrong destination (pdf) without being noticed.
Install the library for hackrf:
sudo apt-get install hackrf
Connect the hackrf to an USB port and check it:
If the installation is good, you will get a response “Found HackRF” etc … Sometimes with some USB cables that connect the HackRF, there is no response. Change the cable in this case.
Installation GNU Radio Companion
GNU Radio Companion is a graphical tool allowing you to build radio processing chains very easily without writing a line of code.
sudo apt-get install gnuradio
Installation Osmocom SDR and RTL-SDR Drivers
sudo apt-get update
Installation of the USB library:
sudo apt-get install cmake build-essential libusb-1.0-0-dev
We clone Osmocom in the user’s Downloads folder for example:
cd ~/Downloads
sudo git clone https://github.com/osmocom/rtl-sdr.git
Go to the folder rtl-sdr: cd rtl-sdr
sudo mkdir build
cd build
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At this point I sometimes got an error because the pkg-config package was not found. Make:
sudo apt-get install pkg-config
and relaunch the cmake from above.
sudo make
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
Osmocom source module installation
limbo 2 download for macsudo apt-get install gr-osmosdr
GNU Radio launch
You have to be in graphics mode to be able to use this superb signal processing design tool. Personally, I use my orange-pi or raspberry in remote mode. I connect to them by enabling VNC in setup and using the VNC extension in chrome on my PC. On a terminal in graphics mode type:
A message “RANDR” missing … is not important.
Error Xterm executable is missing
If you have when launching a model in gnuradio companion a message of the type Xterm executable is missing and if you are on Armbian or Raspbian (raspberry) go to the configuration folder.
cd ~/.gnuradio
edit grc.conf
sudo nano grc.conf
and add at the end of the file:
First of all, check that the terminal is installed on your machine. Otherwise installed it with:
sudo apt install lxterminal
The HackRF being developed in Open Source can be bought in China at Aliexpress for a hundred Euros. To use it, the Orange Pi solution is very interesting. We forget the Orange Pi Zero which, following the treatment defined in GNU-RADIO, quickly risks running out of power. We are going to move towards 64-bit 4-core processors like the H5 or the H6. I have successfully tested Orange Pi PC2 H5 and Orange PI One Plus H6 for SSB reception and SSB transmission.
Hackrf One Drivers Windows 7
The Orange PI PC2 has the following advantages:
- several USB2 if you want to connect different SDRs
- An audio output on headphone jack, useful for an HF receiver
Hackrf One Driver Install
The Orange PI One Plus has the following advantages:
- The minimum required to control a Hack RF or a RTL-SDR from the network (USB, Ethernet 1Gb / s)
- A very low price: less than 30 € with food and transport (Ebay or Aliexpress)